Friday, 13 August 2010


Isn't she pretty!

Om nom nom

There are only so many pictures I can show of plants-with-fruit-on before it starts to get a bit repetitive so I'm making a bit of a detour onto the subject of just what exactly I'm going to do with all these things once they've grown.  Entertainingly I hadn't really given this much thought when I was planting and I think next year I may try and grow things that will be useful for eating.  Nonetheless it makes a nice change to have some garden-fresh veg in our meals and it has prompted me to cook some new things because there's no way I'm letting it go to waste after all the effort I put into growing it!

And so I present - Salmon with Broad Bean cous cous and cherry tomatoes

This was from a recipe on and was both tasty and stupidly easy to cook... my favourite combination :D  In short, stick the salmon in the oven, boil the beans in water just before it's ready and cover the cous cous with water per packet instructions, combine cous cous & beans, add a little lemon juice and serve!

I'd never eaten a broad bean before and was pleasantly surprised by them... probably not enough to go out and buy some but I shall certainly be eating the rest of the ones I've grown.