Friday, 25 February 2011

Year 2

I missed my garden very much this winter; despite all the time it took last year it really was very satisfying to see the little tiny plants growing all big and strong and being able to eat fresh food from the garden.  I enjoyed it so much that I actually looked into getting an allotment... the 5 year waiting list kind of put me off though so I'll just have to stick to pots for the time being!

So that I can get started on the gardening earlier this year I decided to grow my plants from seed - it should let me have lots more plants for the same money and will give me something to ooh and ahh at for the next few months while I wait for the weather to cheer up.

I will probably end up picking up a few more bits and pieces later in the season, probably a fruit plant or two as these don't really seem to come in seed form but for now I've got the following:

Czar Runner Bean Mid Spring May-June!
Aquadulce Longpod BroadBean Feb-Apr

Pattison Blanc' Patty Pan Squash  Apr-May
Tondo di Piacenza Courgette Apr - May
Finissimo small leaved basil Apr - July
Azur Kohlrabi (Cabbage-Turnip... looks like an alien lifeform so I just had to have some!l)
Giant Red Carrot Feb-July
Golden sweet mange-tout pea Feb-May
Red Top Radish Mar-Aug
Latah Tomato Feb-Apr (Early tomatoes)
Legend Tomato Feb-Apr(Proper Salad tomatoes)

I bought my seeds from The Real Seed Catalogue which sells, surprise surprise, real seeds!  Which means that they're not F1 hybrids, GM or any such nonsense and I should be able to collect seeds from the plants I grow and never have to buy any more in the future... meaning I just bought a life time supply of seeds for about 20 quid!