Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The Mystery Plant....

It's getting more mysterious by the day!  The mystery plants have started flowering and I still have no idea what they are... but they're very pretty :D

I wanna know what it is already!

The green beans are also starting to bloom and putting out some gorgeous red buds

The strawberries are being cursed by their own success; unfortunately as the strawberries get plumper they weigh down the stems supporting them and several have bent over the edge of the plastic pockets damaging the plant so that nutrients aren't getting through and the stem (and strawberries :o) die.  I think I need to rig some curved protectors so they don't damage themselves but for now this cunning arrangement of canes will have to do!

On the plus side they're putting out runners like crazy and as long as I can keep them healthy I should have a truly ridiculous number of strawberry plants next year!

Monday, 21 June 2010

All grown up

My little plants are getting all grown up now and showing signs of fruiting. I imagine I'll get used to it over time but at the moment I still get a lovely sense of wonder when I look out of the back door and see my drab stone patio covered in lovely vibrant growing things!

Just a quick post today but here are some photos of the growing that's been going on:

No sign of fruit yet but it's definately getting 'bushier'

These little guys are growing so well I had to tie on extra canes to keep them going... if they get much taller I'm going to need a ladder to harvest them tho ;p

Apparently Rhubarb does just fine in pots - that leaf at the bottom is easily 3 dinner plates in size!

Even the latecomers are getting on well - this is the Raspberry cane that used to just be a stick!

It's growing well... and I still have no idea what it is!

I think 'Yummmmm' about covers this one

The tomatoes seem to have recovered from their brush with the frost but I think I need to seperate them out a bit more; at the moment they look rather like one mega-plant!
Oh Dear.... My poor indoor tomato had a nasty run in with the wind - it was a lot more spindly that the outside tomatoes and got knocked over :(  It's now tied to the fence and shortly after this picture I removed all the broken limbs... poor thing looks a little bare now but I'm hopeful it might make it through as the top is still growing nicely.
It seems I forgot to take a photo of the potatoes but they too are thriving - bushy greens are now springing out of the top of the grow bag and i've banked it up with compost to the top. Tasty taties are anticipated!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010


I also managed to plant the potatoes yesterday - they have taken up residence in a nice big grow bag where they will have plenty of room to grow; I planted 1 of each variety so I should get some nice choice of potatoes in a couple of months time. They look a little bit boring now but if Angela's are anything to go by I should have some lovely leafy plants soon - just need to keep topping them up with compost so that they have plenty of room to grow.


We nipped into B&Q yesterday to get some more compost for the garden and sitting out there on the end of an aisle were some lovely looking Raspberry canes for only £5. I couldn't resist them. The only problem was I had nowhere to put them, fortunately I was saved from my dilemma by a 4 for 3 pot offer! Okay, so in the end my £5 Raspberries led to a £40 bill but hey... I saved a tenner overall, and I have Raspberries!

They are of the Glen Ample variety which means that they are summer fruiting so I won't get any Raspberries until next year but I shall look forward to delicious fruits next year.